Archives: Services

The UU Big Picture

Watch the Livestream Several members of UU St. Pete attended the UUA General Assembly in Pittsburgh earlier this summer. They will share their highlights and perceptions of GA, the implications for our church and our denomination’s future.


Imagine creating a community that is just and safe for everyone. FAST (Faith in Action Through Strength Together) is designed to listen to our local people and create social change together. 

Defiant Love: Interrogating Our Heritage

Watch the Livestream Some aspects of our inherited cultural system are clearly harmful to our planet, our descendants, and our own humanity. How did this happen? The study of trauma and the science of epigenetics offer clues. In the context of our damaged and dysfunctional culture, acting with honor for our ancestors, respect for ourselves, … Continue reading Defiant Love: Interrogating Our Heritage


Watch the Livestream Neurodiversity is essential to the human species. The idea of a “normal” neurobiology is a cultural construct imagined by white Western scientists. It is no more valid than the harmful ideology that one race or gender is better than others. Today’s worship leaders are neurodivergent, and will connect these identities to our … Continue reading Neurodivergence

Being in Covenant: What Does It Even Mean?

Watch the Livestream Each week we say the words of our covenant.  Those words reflect our mutual promises to each other and to something much bigger than ourselves.  Too often, they can become a way to monitor behavior.  It’s common to hear someone say, “so and so broke covenant.”  But have you ever heard someone … Continue reading Being in Covenant: What Does It Even Mean?

Journeys of Queer Delight

Watch the Livestream We are overdue for a Journeys service and that tardiness ends now.  Please join us to hear the Journeys of Susan Gore and Todd Wellman.