Legacy Builders

Members and friends set up a plan to make a gift from their estate to the Endowment Fund of UU St. Pete. When you leave a portion of the assets to UU St. Pete, you give life to our UU values and nurture our spiritual home.

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Stories of Legacy Builders

Helpful Information
Are you giving a legacy of love?
The distribution of your estate is the last statement of your life. You can create a legacy by supporting the work of our congregation in your will, living trust or other estate planning document. Through thoughtful estate planning, you can provide a lasting future gift for the UU St.Pete Endowment.

Here’s an easy way:
Simply complete a new beneficiary form for your IRA and designate the UU St. Pete Endowment to receive a percentage of your account.

When your gift is received, it will be added to the Endowment Fund where its earned income supports our Church. That income will help UU St. Pete every year, while the principle remains untouched. In rare circumstances, the Board of Trustees may request that the congregation vote to use some of this principle for an emergency – but if you prefer that your gift’s principle never be spent, designate your contribution as “permanent.”

Consult your financial advisor, accountant or attorney about a legacy gift to maximize benefits for you and UU St. Pete. We plan to publish a list of Legacy Builders who already have their plans in place – let us know if your name should be included.

Call the church office at 727.898.3294 and ask to speak with a Legacy Builder or Endowment Fund Trustee for more information.