Stand up for One Another: Nehemiah Action – Annual Event

Once a year, all members and friends of UUSP are asked to stand up together in collaboration with FAST (Faith in Action for Strength Together) to demand justice from our elected officials. This is a way to stand with our friends across the county, particularly those who are most impacted by the affordable housing and criminal justice crisis. And all of us affected by climate change. 

On Tuesday, April 30 at 7 pm, at the First Baptist Church (1900 Gandy Blvd N, St. Petersburg, FL 33702) Faith & Action for Strength Together (FAST) will hold its annual Nehemiah action.

Will you join us for this event in St Pete? Please say YES for justice! We need big numbers of people in attendance for our message to reach those with the decision making power. 

Contact Pat Fling or Geneva Nelson for more information!