
Learn how to leave a legacy to our beloved community through the UU Church of St Pete Endowment. Check out the information below or contact Endowment@uustpete.org.

What do I need to know about the UU St Petersburg ENDOWMENT?

#1  As a member of UUSP, your first financial responsibility is to make a commitment every year to Annual Giving.  This funds the day-to-day operation of the church, including salaries.  

#2  The UUSP Endowment is a separate fund established to provide steady income for the church.  This income is to be used by the UUSP Board and the congregation for the maintenance and improvement of our facilities.

#3  Gifts to the Endowment become a permanent resource for the church.  Only a set percentage of the fund is distributed to the church each year, so your gift keeps giving…forever.

#4  UUSP needs both annual giving and income from the Endowment to fund our regular expenses, pay for maintenance and improvement of our facilities, and build financial stability.

#5 The Endowment is controlled by the elected UUSP Endowment Board, but all its funds are professionally managed the Community Foundation of Tampa Bay.  This non-profit makes it possible for us to receive grants and other support.

#6 Your gift to the Endowment will provide a revenue stream to the church forever.  That is, even after you’re gone.  That’s why many people choose to make a gift to the Endowment through their wills or other estate arrangements.

How can I contribute to the UUSP Endowment?

Since gifts to the Endowment are invested permanently for the church, many members choose to give through their wills or other  estate arrangements, as legacy gifts.  However, gifts given to the Endowment at any time become a permanent investment in the church.