Path to Membership

Contact: Rev. Ben Atherton-Zeman at

Brand New to UU?

Those new to the UU tradition and/or to UU St. Pete are invited to meet with the minister to learn about UU religious history and values and UU St. Pete’s purposes and activities.

Been here before and want to take another step? Becoming a member here at UU St Pete!

We offer two free, no obligation classes three times a year: UUSP 101, which teaches about Unitarian Universalism, and UUSP 102, which teaches about our church.

Our Spring classes will take place April 27 and May 11.

Childcare is available on request. A light lunch is served. 

Interested in attending the next class? Sign up at the Membership table after the service or email Chris McDonald.

Chris McDonald for UUSP Membership Committee

New Member Orientation

A meeting of recently-joined members with UUSP Board, committee, and staff leaders to learn about connecting with people, activities, and operations at UU St. Pete.

Please fill out this form if you are interested in attending.

Already a member?

If you are currently a member, please update your membership information here

Contact us!

If you have any questions or comments, please click the button below to send our staff a quick message!

You're also welcome to call us at 

(727) 898-3294