UUSP Women´s Social Circle
Women can participate in just walking or just lunch. Membership is open to female members or pledging friends of the Unitarian Universalist Church of St Petersburg and their friends. An e-mail is sent to all members toward the end of each month, giving the location of each walk and lunch for the following month.
In the winter we walk at 11 am (for about 1 hour) on Monday mornings at various places around St Petersburg and its surroundings, then have lunch at a nearby restaurant. In warm weather we walk earlier.
We have two weekly drop-in events for UU St Pete women - a walking group and a lunch group. Who is welcome? Membership is open to all UU St Pete self-identified female members, pledging friends, and their friends. Join us!
If you have any questions or comments, please email UUSPWSC
You're also welcome to call us at
(727) 898-3294
To be added to the email list for walking and lunch locations, send an email to UUSPWSC+subscribe@uustpete.org.