Annual Giving
Annual Giving: Growing Our Beloved Community
What’s it all about?
Your generous pledge to the UU St Pete is used to support the operating costs of running the church. This year (2025) we are asking for your pledge during January and February so that the financial volunteers can prepare the budget after the pledges are made.
We are aiming for a 15% overall increase in our pledges to meet the needs of our church. Did you know that it currently costs $2,200 per member for our operating budget? This includes all operating costs like salaries, benefits, building operations, religious education, music, and annual dues to the UUA.
Your pledge is for the church budget year of July 1st, 2025 to June 30th, 2026.
Why Give Generously
The joy you receive when you give generously comes back to you multiplied. Give what is a stretch gift for you.
How to Pledge
You can either pledge online here
or on paper, which is available at the UU St Pete office or ask one of the Annual Giving Team for assistance.
Thank you for your generosity.