Some Ideas from UUSP’s Care Committee

While UUSP is a caring community, the Care Committee coordinates and provides care during specific life crises as well as helping to celebrate milestones. We meet regularly and brainstorm ways to help our members.

Want to join the committee? Want to attend our next meeting? Just let the Committee chairperson know.

The physical isolation from COVID has impacted many and has led the Care Committee to think about ways to keep people connected, even when COVID concerns have less of an impact on our lives (well eventually!).


Do you feel isolated? Do you want to have a buddy who checks in with you on a regular basis? The Care Committee envisions pairing up people who want this kind of connection. “Buddies” decide what kind of contact (emails, texts, phone calls, video calls, in person) works for them and how often this contact is desired or needed. If this is something you would like to participate in, the Care Committee would pair you up with another UUSP member.

Emergency Contacts

If there is an emergency situation, it might be helpful to have, in our church records, the names and contact information for a relative or friend who should be made aware of the situation.  UUSP may already have that information but maybe it needs to be updated. The plan would be to compile each member’s emergency contact information and limit who has access to it, eg. the minister, according to each person’s wishes.

If either or both of these ideas interest you, let the Care Committee Chairperson know: Linda Paul (, cell 727-637-3970)