Speaker: Jeanay Johnson

Be. Begin. Believe. Become. Be – Renewed.

The Spring Equinox is a time for many earth-centered religions to focus on beginnings, but before we can begin, we must simply BE. At the Equinox, the earth re-awakens, and a connection is renewed to the web of existence of which we are all connected. Once this reconnection to nature occurs, we then become something more, … Continue reading Be. Begin. Believe. Become. Be – Renewed.

Does This Sermon Make Me Look Fat? Renewing Faith in Our Bodies

Click to watch the Livestream Our theme for March is “Renewing Faith,” and we open by focusing specifically on our bodies. As we return to in-person worship services, let us reflect on what it means to have a body, how different bodies are looked at and treated, and how we can honor our body and … Continue reading Does This Sermon Make Me Look Fat? Renewing Faith in Our Bodies

Widening Worship

Click to watch the Livestream Traditional worship features a sermon by an old cisgender white man, supported by readings and music. Shared ministry is collaborative, with worship services are co-created by multiple people. This week we introduce the “View from the Pew,” where someone from the congregation shares their view on the week’s worship topic.

Widening the Circle

Watch the Youtube Livestream here During times of economic and political turmoil, made worse by a global pandemic, many of us “circle the wagons” around what is familiar and what feels safe, shutting out the “other.”  This worship service encourages us to live our our principles by widening the circle, during Black History Month and … Continue reading Widening the Circle

2nd Principle: Justice, Equity and Compassion in Human Relations

Watch Youtube Livestream The second principle is just seven words. It should be simple to accomplish. And yet, we know that it is not. It takes intentional work to ensure that the resulting impact is needed, is wanted, is positive. If it was easy then we’d have no need for Friday Night Picnic or Black … Continue reading 2nd Principle: Justice, Equity and Compassion in Human Relations